General Information
All games will be played in accordance with USA Hockey rules.
All teams must be rostered with USA Hockey, Hockey Canada or the appropriate IIHF affiliate.
Teams are required to bring their official team roster or player cards, as well as their travel permit (if required by their governing body) to each game.
All teams are guaranteed 4 games.
Teams / Officials must be ready to start games up to 15 minutes early.
Rosters are frozen the first day of the tournament. A player must play at least 1 game prior to the quarterfinal or semifinal to be eligible to play in playoff games.
We ask that all team managers/coaches ensure their roster is correct on GameSheet prior to the start of each tournament game.
Teams must be prepared to play Friday morning. Reserving a hotel room Thursday evening is strongly advised.
Sunday Championship games should be complete by 7:00pm.
Some age groups may be split up into multiple divisions.
Schedule will be released 7 days prior to the tournament start date.
Your team will not be scheduled until full payment is received.
Playing Rules
NO TOURNAMENT OFFICIAL has the right to change a score sheet or reverse a call from a referee. Once game is over the score sheet is FINAL.
This event is sanctioned by USA Hockey. Please refer to the USA Hockey playing rule book for all rules for 2021-2025.
Body checking will begin at the 2011 age group.
Squirt, Pee Wee, Bantam
Minor penalties - 1:30 minutes / Major penalties - 4 minutes / Misconduct penalties - 8 minutes
Minor penalties - 2 minutes / Major penalties - 5 minutes / Misconduct penalties - 10 minutes.
Game Misconduct - Player will be ejected for the remainder of that game plus their next scheduled game.
Running time will be in effect during the 3rd period, only when a team is winning by 4 goals. Stop-time will resume once the score is within 2 goals. (Example 8-6)
No Timeouts are permitted in preliminary rounds.
One 30-second timeout is permitted in Quarterfinals, Semifinals and Finals.
Players and coaches should report to the arena at least one hour prior to each game.
A maximum of four team officials may be on the player's bench at one time.
Team Personnel are any non-playing persons not in uniform on the players’ bench. All such persons must be registered in the current season as a coach with USA Hockey, and must comply with coaching education requirements for the appropriate certification level as required by USA Hockey Coaching Education Program. One such person must be designated as the head coach. A player or goalkeeper on the roster who is unable to play, other than through suspension, may be on the players’ bench without being considered a team personnel if he is wearing the team jersey and all required head and face protective equipment.
The home team will wear white jerseys and visitors wear dark.
During preliminary play, 2 points will be awarded for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss. There will be no overtime. During preliminary play, if the score is tied at the end of regulation time, the tie score will stand and each team shall be awarded one point for the game.
Any forfeited games will be recorded as a 3-0 score. Any forfeited games affecting another team's playoff status, may be reviewed by the Tournament Director to determine which teams advance beyond preliminary round play. Use of ineligible players will disqualify a team from the tournament.
All games played by a disqualified team will be forfeited. No monies will be refunded.
Scores will be posted with a goal differential no greater than 7.
Scoring Rules
Game Format
There will be a 2 minute warm up for all games.
11-11-11 minute periods for Squirt Divisions.
12-12-12 minute periods for Pee Wee Divisions.
13-13-13 minute periods for Bantam Divisions.
14-14-14 minute periods for Midget Divisions.
No OT or Shootouts in Preliminary play.
Shootout Format
Home team will decide who will shoot first. Designated shooters for both teams will alternate shots. If the score remains tied after 3 rounds, new players will participate in a sudden death shootout. The players in the first group of 3 may not shoot again until all other eligible players on their team have had a turn OR the opposing team has used all of their shooters. Players with time remaining on their penalty are not eligible for the shootout. Goalies are not eligible.
Quarters, Semis, & Final
Please refer to GameSheet, or speak to a tournament official in order to determine the playoff format for each division. It is incumbent upon the team officials to confirm with a tournament representative whether or not their team has advanced beyond preliminary-round play prior to leaving the arena following their final preliminary-round game.
In the event a quarterfinal, semifinal or championship game should end in a tie, the tie will be broken in the following manner:
Overtime will be played during Quarterfinal, Semifinal, and Championship games only.
5-minute sudden death (3-on-3) stopped time (switch ends).
3 player “NHL Style” shootout. The Home team will decide if they shoot first or second.
Sudden-death shootout (both teams get to shoot each round). Teams must select a different player for each phase of the shootout.
There is no OT or Shootouts in consolation games.
To determine teams advancing to the semifinal and championship rounds.
Total Team Points
Head-to-Head (two-team tie breakers only)
Goal Quotient = Goals For / (Goals For + Goals Against)
Example Below
Team A: 16 GF 9GA Quotient is 16/25 = .640
Team B: 19 GF 8 GA Quotient is 19/27 = .704
Team B advances due to higher overall quotient
4. Least Goals Allowed
5. Most Goals For
6. Fewest Penalty Minutes
7. Coin Toss
A zero tolerance for verbal abuse is in effect and will be enforced for all team officials, players and spectators.
Appropriate penalties will be assessed for disputing or arguing a decision of the officials, any visual demonstration of dissatisfaction, or for the use of obscene or vulgar language to anyone at any time during the tournament.